Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Rick Domeier News?

It was very weird Sunday evening. I wasn’t paying real close attention to the show – just had it on in the background while I was getting ready for bed.

Rick Domeier had been selling computers. About ten minutes to midnight he thanked the techie who helped him with the show and told him to tell his wife he’s sorry he drew a moustache on her face.

He sounded different – melancholy is the best word I can think of.

Then it got even weirder. He said it had been a good day and talked about how many computers they sold, but still in that melancholy tone. Then he said something like “We had a good week – a good week together.”

And then to top it off he said it was a good weekend but “I don’t know if I’ll have anymore” He was even walking toward the camera in a very odd way. ‘

He mumbles something and said I’ll see you Tuesday night –I’ll be selling Ninja or something.

Then he was off and they went right into the TSV – 5 or so minutes early. We all know the hoopla around the TSV but there was none. It wasn’t midnight yet and they just started showing it without the music or anything.

I wonder what was going on. I hope he’s okay and is not leaving or anything.

Maybe if I had seen more of the show it would have made more sense. But this is intriguing. I’ll tell you one thing – I’m checking him out on Tuesday to see if he’s there.

David Venable - 18 years

David Venable said Sunday that he has been at QVC for 18 years. In the beginning he worked nights as do all trainees and new people. It seemed funny to hear him talk about being “the new guy.” Hard to imagine!

He said he would come home in the morning, starved. He would eat everything he could and then go right to bed.